Founded in 1990, The Art Newspaper is an online and paper publication based in London and New York. It provides an unrivalled news service about the art world, fed by its network of sister editions, which together have around 50 correspondents working in over 30 countries, with editorial offices in London, Turin, New York, Paris, Moscow, Beijing and Athens.
The Art Newspaper breaks news across all sectors of the visual arts, from museums and heritage, creation, publishing, conservation and the art market. It also covers developments in law, tax and the political and economic spheres of cultural policy. The Art Newspaper is an investigative paper that looks behind the smooth and bright face of the art world. Because of its expertise and unbiased commentary, it is widely regarded as the journal of record for the sector and its readership is as global as its editorial coverage.
Its reviewers and commentators are major players in the art scene, including, among others: Nicholas Serota, director of Tate; RoseLee Goldberg, founder-director of Performa; Jean-Hubert Martin, former director of the Pompidou Centre; the archaeologist, Colin Renfrew; Venice Biennale curator Robert Storr, and artist Grayson Perry.
Redwire worked with The Art Newspaper to develop the taxonomy and design of the website and consulted on their digital and subscription strategy.
- Consulting
- Design
- Mobile